Hey guys welcome to illegalhacker7 community. today i am release Assembly language course for reverse engineering. Assembly programming is such a large subject in itself. Mix in some reverse engineering and you essentially end up with a whole field. No matter what tool you’re using and no matter what your experience level, software reverse engineering of native binaries, most of the time, goes down to what the underlying assembly code aims at doing. To that extend, we strongly believe that, in order to become a proficient software reverse engineer, one has to learn about assembly programming. Not because writing assembly code has any importance or because it’s cool. We think learning how to write assembly is important because reading code is already a hard thing. How can you efficiently read code to a language you don’t know.
- Pc or laptop
- Windows Operating System(All Cracking tool working windows os)
- 1 GB RAM
- 60 GB HD
- Size 3.13 GB Compressed Files
- full HD Videos
- Language : Hindi
Course Topic:-
total lesson- 19+ 2
Lesson – 0 introduction of illegalhacker7.
Lesson – 1 Introduction of ASM Language.
Lesson – 2 why we need asm language..
Lesson – 3 Know of About values (Numbering system).
Lesson – 4 Type of assembly language according to microprocessor (8085, 8086, x86, x64).
Lesson – 5 how to execute any program in microprocessor.
Lesson – 6 Know About Register and CPU.
lesson – 7 Register part-2.
lesson – 8 register part- 3.
lesson – 9 flag register.
lesson – 10 how to working register realtime in reverse engineering.
lesson – 11 The stack ,heap,offset,segments.
lesson – 12 How to we can mention the value in register.
lesson – 13 learn About instruction in Asm.
lesson – 14 Arithmetic operations and instructions.
lesson – 15 AND , OR , NOT , XOR instrucation.
lesson – 16 Data Moving Oprations.
lesson – 17 Control-Transfer Instructions (jmp , cmp,jne).
lesson – 18 The Stack management(Push and Pop).
lesson – 19 Call and Ret instructions.
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